Lotus Steam Box

Lotus Steam Box


Handmade with love from Goodfeller Woodworks in Ridgway, CO. These steam boxes are made to order from aromatic red cedar grown and harvested in the U.S.A. Each box is individually and carefully crafted using all-natural, plant-based materials, finished with body-safe homemade blend of beeswax and lavender.

This new design has been reimagined to store compactly. The walls of the box all store flat and are placed upright within the base and lid for steaming. When you’re ready to steam, we like to place three walls of the box up, place your “pot of tea” on the base, and slot in the last wall. Then secure the lid on top. Use the back of the hand, to test for a safe temperature at the opening before relaxing onto the box. We normally steam about 30 minutes, but do what feels comfortable for you! We also recommend a blanket or skirt to keep your lower half warm and help the steam do its work.

The interior of the base of the box measures 10x10.

We have found yoni steaming to be great for menstrual regulation, postpartum healing, and post operative transitional healing. Always do your own research and listen to your intuition on matters of your health.

Because each box is made to order, please allow up to two months for creation and shipping. We can’t ship outside the US at this time. 

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